Committee Members

Photo of Nick Wolf
Nick Wolf

Nick is a Ruby Software Engineer but has previously dabbled as a Radio and Television Host, Community Manager, Flashmob Coordinator, Board Game Designer, Effective Altruist and Sex Educator.

He is eager to facilitate Ruby Australia continuing to grow into an eclectic, diverse and supportive community and is always eager to hear suggestions on how to do so.

Photo of Tarun Mookhey
Tarun Mookhey

Tarun is Ruby developer based in Sydney.

Photo of Mark Glossop
Mark Glossop
General Member

Mark is a former-sysadmin-turned-developer with a lifelong interest in tech, science and maths. He started his Ruby journey in 2008 with Rails. These days, he uses Ruby and a handful of other languages - but Ruby is his staple language, because of both the language itself and the community around it. He is also keen to help the tech industry be a better and more inclusive place, particularly for people with disabilities.

Outside of tech, he watches more TV than is probably healthy, manages to be a halfway-decent home cook, and is keen to do more travelling.

Also Perth Ruby Meetup co-organiser.

Photo of Ben Greig
Ben Greig
General Member

A baker in a former life Ben had done a bit of Game modding in his spare time when he decided to do some more formal training in 2022, after discovering Ruby he hasn't looked back.

He loves of Ruby, Boardgames and a good cup of Tea.

Photo of Daniel Nguyen
Daniel Nguyen
General Member

Dan is a Ruby developer currently based in Gadigal (Sydney). After originally studying classical music at uni, Dan made the career-change in 2021 through a coding bootcamp. When he's not scraping fantasy AFL stats, you can find him playing futsal or netball, doing a pub trivia or co-organising ROROSyd.

Photo of Claire Fernandes
Claire Fernandes
General Member

Claire is relatively new to Ruby development having recently completed a full stack web development bootcamp. She's been working in Tech for the last 5 years in the Support and Customer Experience space and decided to make the move to development because building things is fun 😎

Outside of coding she loves getting out into nature, playing music and bouldering.

Photo of Sophie Daley
Sophie Daley
General Member

Sophie is a Ruby engineer hailing from the beautiful Macedon Ranges in Victoria. She brings her passion and expertise to the tech community as the organiser for Rails Girls Melbourne. Her journey into tech began in 2016, after a fulfilling career in the beauty industry, and she hasn't looked back since. Sophie's dedication to coding is matched only by her commitment to empowering women in technology.

When she's not immersed in code, Sophie loves to connect with nature, spend quality time with her family, and unleash her creativity through paper crafting.

Previous Committee Members